Make sufficient Feel enough.
Reverence to life Gentleness in approach.
Clarity of intention Universality in purpose.
Engage with more hands Support skills and solutions.
Practice fearlessness in sharing I am because we are.
Make slow Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.
This Intention finds its rational in the teachings of varied faith and belief systems from across the world. They offer a relief to the questions of Universal Conduct and act as a totem to keep us on the Path, bringing us back to the constants in the multitude of variables.
Observation of life through multiple points of view. The makers of Eri silk do not attach intellectual concepts of violence or non- violence to Eri silk production. While the locals see silkworms as a source of protein in their diet, one can observe violence in the killing of silkworms when they are separated from the cocoon before finishing their life cycle. “The act of killing is complicated, and its ethicization is predicated upon intent.” In their simple mind, they do not associate this killing with the “intent to harm” but with a simple animal instinct of lifestyle. It is also believed that silkworm was used as a food source way before it was discovered as a silk producing worm. Since we are still incapable of knowing the whole truth, we accept the co-existence of multiple points of view where one can only observe the complexity of violence from the lens of their own subjective morality. Thus, we do not aim to influence anyone’s way of thinking or preach non-violence. We also do not see Ahimsa as a matter of rule, but as a matter of principle.
Ahimsa with Pramada