The Intention


Make sufficient Feel enough.

Reverence to life Gentleness in approach.

Clarity of intention Universality in purpose.

Engage with more hands Support skills and solutions.

Practice fearlessness in sharing I am because we are.

Be earnest in empathy Innovate mindfully and in collaboration.

Make slow Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.


This Intention finds its rational in the teachings of varied faith and belief systems from across the world. They offer a relief to the questions of Universal Conduct and act as a totem to keep us on the Path, bringing us back to the constants in the multitude of variables.



Ahimsa is a multidimensional concept inspired by the premise that all living beings have the spark of the divine energy or collective consciousness; therefore, to hurt another being is to hurt oneself.” It is the ethic of “reverence for life”, “non-injuring”, intention to not harm through action, thought or words. When the method of silk production is centred around nurturing life of a silkworm rather than towards acquiring maximum output of silk, it raises conscientious reasoning around the questions of violence and non violence, intention and action. In wishing health for a silkworm who lives a natural life cycle and dies a natural death, Ahimsa Eri silk is a direct adaptation of this virtue. Good quality of silk is then a progression, not just a pursuit.



Observation of life through multiple points of view. The makers of Eri silk do not attach intellectual concepts of violence or non- violence to Eri silk production. While the locals see silkworms as a source of protein in their diet, one can observe violence in the killing of silkworms when they are separated from the cocoon before finishing their life cycle. “The act of killing is complicated, and its ethicization is predicated upon intent.” In their simple mind, they do not associate this killing with the “intent to harm” but with a simple animal instinct of lifestyle. It is also believed that silkworm was used as a food source way before it was discovered as a silk producing worm. Since we are still incapable of knowing the whole truth, we accept the co-existence of multiple points of view where one can only observe the complexity of violence from the lens of their own subjective morality. Thus, we do not aim to influence anyone’s way of thinking or preach non-violence. We also do not see Ahimsa as a matter of rule, but as a matter of principle.

This project is an opportunity to practice a life of intentional non- injury and offer an alternative to adapt multiple approaches to Eri Silk production with least injury.



No excess. Self restrain. Contentment. Only what is needed. Know when to say NO. Non possessiveness. Non- attachment. Minimise. No hoarding. We are taking small and steady steps for this project to minimise wastage of effort, thought, action, resources and hope. “The teaching has been of Ahimsa with Pramada – that is, reducing violence through proper intention and being careful in every action on a daily basis to minimize violence to all life forms.” We are starting with a production cap of 1000 metres of Ahimsa Eri Silk in a year available only on a pre-determined order 3 months in advance. This maintains human-nature, need-greed, ease-pressure, enough-excess balance. For makers, this format ensures security and advance planning. This also gives us a controlled start to assess the impact of our project on silkworms, the environment and the community.

Parasparopagraho Jīvānām

परस्परोपग्रहो जीवानाम्

Motto of Jainism: Life is bound by mutual support and interdependence. And that one cannot exist without the existence of the other. This approach keeps the focus on “fair benefit” and overall well-being of all those involved in the project- silkworms, rearers, yarn spinners, weavers, dyers, post- processing units, facilitators, communicators, sellers, researchers, wearers. In modern context, to be able to see the intra-network of life is to make choices and offer that noone wants to refuse- a win-win state for all life forms!

Thus, Ahimsa Eri Silk Product is made slow.
Slow means one is ready to breathe it in and out at a slower pace.
Slow also means to be able to give time and understanding to all points of view.
Slow is to gently deviate from the urgency and pressure time creates.
Slow is hand-made. ‘Slow’ly the time carried this knowledge of hand-made.
Slow means not too many.
Slow is longevity and the slow organic progression of it.